Friday 30 October 2009

Can God use you?

Never feel you are in such a terrible place or situation that God can’t use you. God can use you no matter where you are. Just make sure He knows where to find you when he has need of you! When the Lord wanted to slay a giant He found David minding the

Pieter van Rooyen
Author: Business Unusual - Banking on God.
ISBN 9780620439152 - OUT SOON on most online bookstores!

All rights reserved. This blog, Business Unusual- Banking on God ISBN 9780620439152, photo’s or parts thereof may not be reproduced or published in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means- electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise- without prior written permission of the publisher and author, except as provided by European Union and or United Kingdom copyright laws.

Copyright © by Pieter van Rooyen

October 23, 2009

Friday 23 October 2009

'Stand UP for God' - Jesus overcame death, sin & the cross for you!

To many Christians are today afraid to 'rock the boat' for God and for Jesus, our Lord and Savior. We don't 'stand up for God' and tolerate others using God's name in vain, speaking derogatory about God and promoting other idols.

A religious spirit has been set free on the earth that is anti Christ and that embraces any religion or denomination for the sake of tolerance and freedom of speech. The message about the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ unto eternal life and the Kingdom of Heaven, is considered to be evoking hatred in a free society and Christians are prosecuted for their beliefs, even in first world western countries such as the US and UK.

EU Prime Minister to be, Tony Blair, is the founder of the ‘Tony Blair Faith Foundation’. It has one aim; and that is to unite all world religions into one. The foundations of a One World religious system is already in place. It is time for Christians and the church to wake up and stand UP now! In the parable of the 10 Virgins (Matthew 25), we read how 5 of the 10 virgins were without oil in their lamps and as a result they could not enter the braid feast with the Lord. Jesus says in Luke 13:24 & Matthew 25:12: "Many will say Lord, Lord...and assuredly I will say, I do not know you."

In Revelations 3:16 the Lord Jesus says: "...because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!" Will you take a stand for Jesus today and stand UP for Him? Time is running out.

Pieter van Rooyen
Author: Business Unusual - Banking on God.
ISBN 9780620439152 - OUT SOON on most online bookstores!

All rights reserved. This blog, Business Unusual- Banking on God ISBN 9780620439152, photo’s or parts thereof may not be reproduced or published in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means- electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise- without prior written permission of the publisher and author, except as provided by European Union and or United Kingdom copyright laws.

Copyright © by Pieter van Rooyen

October 23, 2009

Thursday 22 October 2009

What does the Bible say about you?

"Hold fast to your confession regarding what the Word of God says about:

· You;
· Your health;
· Your family;
· Your marriage;
· Your finances, business or work.

The Lord call you an ambassador (2 Cor 5:20) of the Kingdom of Heaven, a son (child) of the Most High (2 Cor 6:18) and a heir to His throne (Gal 4:7)."

God bless you!
Pieter van Rooyen
Author: Business Unusual - Banking on God.
ISBN 9780620439152 - OUT SOON on most online !

All rights reserved. This blog, Business Unusual- Banking on God ISBN 9780620439152, photo’s or parts thereof may not be reproduced or published in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means- electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise- without prior written permission of the publisher and author, except as provided by European Union and or United Kingdom copyright laws.

Copyright © by Pieter van Rooyen

October 22, 2009

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Business Unusual -The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

Business Unusual -The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

It is the Fathers desire to see the 'Kingdom of God come here on earth as it is in heaven'. That was what Jesus taught us to pray in Matt 6:10. Jesus said: “the Kingdom of God is at hand” (Matt. 4: 17). Thousands are stretching their hands out these days to... take a hold of the Kingdom of Heaven - that means crucifying ourselves daily and taking a hold of what Jesus said we are in Him.

In heaven there are no sickness and no diseases, in heaven your family are well, happy and are all serving Christ, in heaven there are no lack of finances and in heaven your business is prosperous! The Lord call you an ambassador (2 Cor 5:20) of the Kingdom of Heaven, a son (child) of the Most High (2 Cor 6:18) and a heir to His throne (Gal 4:7). As a born again citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, I declare you have authority (Gen. 1:28) over every area of your life and I plead that His Kingdom come in your (life/health/family/ finances/business), as it is in heaven. Lord I ask that You protect those that read this article and that You put a hedge around (Job 1:10) them and their (lives/health/family/ finances/business). I declare greater miracles (John 14:12) in your life! Receive it now by faith only. I ask this in the name of Jesus, AMEN.

For more of these 'Kingdom Truths' and 'Kingdom Economics' read and buy online: 'Business Unusual - Banking on God'. ISBN 9780620439152 - Available soon on most online book stores.

God bless you!

Pieter van Rooyen
Author: Business Unusual - Banking on God.
ISBN 9780620439152 - OUT SOON on most online !

All rights reserved. This blog, Business Unusual- Banking on God ISBN 9780620439152, photo’s or parts thereof may not be reproduced or published in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means- electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise- without prior written permission of the publisher and author, except as provided by European Union and or United Kingdom copyright laws.

Copyright © by Pieter van Rooyen

October 21, 2009