Friday 13 November 2009

Are you 'Hungry' for God?

A Testimony of a people 'hungry for God:

Hungary - August 2009

Pieter became good friends with Csίszár András a Hungarian Pastor and World Powerlifting Champion, who invited him to come preach in Hungary. Together they drove without stop for twenty two hours from Kent in the UK to Tatabánya just west of Budapest in Hungary, where they stayed overnight with Pastor Tibor. The next morning pastor Csίszár felt they needed to pray for his aunt that had a stroke.

During two hours of fellowship Pastor Csίszár s lead his aunt to salvation through the Lord Jesus. Pieter also prayed with her and an instant peace came over her, so much so that Pastor Csίszár unsaved father, noticed the sudden change and peace in his sister-in-law. Ten days later she passed away and crossed into heaven. This made their visit to Hungary very rewarding but the Lord had much more in store.

Hungary is extremely hot in the summer. Not only was the day temperature up to one hundred and nineteen degrees Fahrenheit (forty six degrees Celsius), but the Spiritual temperature was rising as well. Pieter and Pastor Csίszár visited Pastor Kakas Jozsef, the spiritual head of the Pentecostal Movement in Hungary. He invited Pieter and Pastor Csίszár to preach in three venues and for Pastor Csίszár to translate.

The first message was given in Makó, at the Evángeliumi Pünkösdi Gyülekezet church of Pastor Nyári Ferene. The custom is for preachers to wear suit and tie and in sweltering heat Pieter preached to a small congregation whilst Pastor Csίszár translated. Both Pastor Nyári and his wife suffered strokes. Pieter prayer for both and praise to the Lord, Pastor Nyári’s wife started walking without her cradle for the first time.

A lady and her granddaughter came to testify that the granddaughter needed a heart transplant at the age of twelve, and that she got completely healed after Pastor Csίszár prayed for her seven years ago. After the testimony Pastor Csίszár led the young lady, now seventeen to Jesus. Pieter had a prophetic word for an elderly lady that was confirmed as very accurate. The lady had so much love and joy and afterwords invited Pastor Csίszár and Pieter for a prophetic venison meal that she prepared for them. They had wonderful fellowship and prayer before they left. Two weeks after their visit the lady peacefully died.

The following day Pastor Csίszár received numerous telephone calls of testimonies of healing that took place at Pastor Nyári’s church the previous night. Pastor Csίszár s who now also lives in the UK had been praying for revival in his village Zákányszék for many years. He asked the Lord to send pastors to his village. That night he got confirmation of his prayers. The Lord two years earlier sent a Romanian Pastor and his family, Pastor Péter Pál to plant a church in the village of Zákányszék. When Pieter and Pastor Csίszár arrived at the community centre, it became evident that the word got out about the previous nights miracles and that many came from out of town to be prayed for by ‘the men of God’. The meeting that evening had to be moved from a small hall to the biggest hall available to fit all attendees.

Pastor Kakas opened the meeting in prayer were after Pastor Péter and his whole family led the worship and praise. When Pieter and Pastor Csίszár got to preach the power of God fell in the hall. Pieter shared his testimony of overcoming and told those present that they could receive their miracles that night as well, if only they believed. He however ensured that everyone knew that the greatest miracle remains salvation. Several people gave their hearts to Jesus for the first time that night, least of all Pastor Csίszár mom with whom they stayed. Many came forward to receive healing, deliverance and prayer. Pastor Péter was bowled over with joy and Pastor Csίszár was praising God that not only his prayer for revival and pastors in the village was answered, but also that his mother came to the Lord Jesus.

Their last service was the Sunday evening and it took place in the town of Kistelek at the church of Pastor Lukács János. On the way to the church the Holy Spirit gave Pastor Csίszár Ps. 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” When Pieter and Pastor Csίszár arrived all available seating space had been taken up and people were placed in an overflow room, which has never been used before. Several people were following Pieter and Pastor Csίszár services and testified of miracles. That inspired many others to come as well. The congregation were already singing worship songs and the presence of the Holy Spirit was evident. Pastor Csίszár asked his unsaved father to video the service and that made him attend.

Pastor Kakas again opened the meeting in prayer, were after Pastor Lukács welcomed the visiting pastors. He opened his Bible and read from Ps. 133:1, exactly the same verse the Holy Spirit gave Pieter and Pastor Csίszár on their way to the service. In the meeting that evening five pastors were present, three of which had not been speaking with one another for years. Pieter had a sermon prepared but the Holy Spirit gave him ‘words of knowledge’. Pieter taught on the Kingdom of Heaven, and many came forward to give their hearts to the Lord in the middle of the service. The Lord moved mightily as many people received healing and deliverance. More people received salvation, including Pastor Csίszár’s father who were videoing events with tears in his eyes. At the end of the serve the three pastors reunited and forgave each other and the words of Ps. 133:1 were fulfilled. Pieter learned that evening afresh, when the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven/God is preached, that heaven invades earth and that miracles has no other option but to follow.

Later that evening, Pastor Lukács invited Pieter and Pastor Csίszár back to Hungary to do crusades in Hungary and Romania with him. He also opened the door for them to preach in any of the Pentecostal Movement’s churches at a future date. Since their return to the UK they received numerous calls with testimonies about healings and miracles. Several independent Hungarian churches have since invited them to come and minister on future visits. The doors in Hungary are standing open to receive the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven.

In early November 2009 Pastor Pieter had to go back to Hungary. When news got out about him visiting Hungary again, he got invited to go back to Zákányszék in the south of Hungary. Seven Pentecostal Movement Churches came together for a join service. The coming together of seven churches alone was a triumph against the enemy. The Zákányszék village hall were Pastor Csίszár once prayed for revival for his village was packed on the cold winters night of 4th November 2009.

Pastor Botond from the Zion Church in Szeged translated for Pieter who taught from Mark 16: 15-18. When the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven is preached, it will be followed by signs and wonders. The greatest miracle still remains the salvation of lost souls. Many came forward to received Jesus and many testified about miracles, healings and changed lives since Pieter’s previous visit. An elderly lady that was suffering pain from a broken leg in a bus accident received instant healing and full use of her leg. She could jump for the first time in many years. Another lady came forward and asked prayer for her daughter-in-law who was in hospital with kidney stones. After the meeting it was reported that within the hour the kidney stones ‘disappeared’ and the lady was released from hospital without any pain. The healed lady and her whole family has since joined the Zákányszék Pentecostal church of Pastor Péter Pál and there are reports of many more healings in Jesus’ name.

“Jesus is [still] the same, yesterday, today and forever” (Heb 13:8)…Hallelujah!

God bless you!

Pieter van Rooyen
Author: Business Unusual - Banking on God.
ISBN 9780620439152 - OUT SOON on most online stores!

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